Friends of God Network
About the Ministry
Friends of God Network is a new network for those wanting to discuss and be mentored in the prophetic. Importantly this is a UK based network is primarily for the UK. Over the years the people behind Friends of God Network have had the privilege and joy of working with some of the biggest names in the prophetic from around the globe, including Cindy Jacobs, James Goll, Lou Engle, Dutch Sheets, and John Dawson. Friends of God Network loves these people and wants to honour them, as well as the work of Christians International Europe, Bethel, Wagner Leadership Institute, Strategic Prayer Network, Global Awakening, Awakening House of Prayer and other ministries, but senses that there is the need for people to rise up and take to the platform from the UK, and from across Europe. The UK has many prophetic ministers and Prophets who work with their local church, but there is a famine of those who have the wider ministry. Before Elgar, Parry, Vaughn Williams, and Holst the UK was called the “land without music” as the music we had was composed by Handel, Mendelson, “The London Bach” and other foreign composers. With a few exceptions it could be said that the UK is a “land without Prophets”. It is time for the Prophets to arise

Friends of God Network
The name Friends of God Network comes from Psalm 25 verse 14 “The friendship of the Lord is for those who fear Him, and He makes known to them His covenant”, and John 15 verses 14 and 15 “You are My friends if you do what I command. No longer do I call you servants, for a servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends, for all that I have heard from My Father I have made known to you” (English Standard Version). Many versions of the Bible use the term secret council for the word friendship in Psalm 25:14, with the word suggesting the confidential conversation of friends sitting next to each other on a couch, or on a committee. This suggests more than just be an acquaintance but being a trusted partner, someone who can be a guardian and trustee to God’s children.
To be part of Friends of God Network people need to be:
An active member of a local church family, including part of a house/life group. They need to be in a proper relationship with the church leadership and giving of their time, their gifts, and their money to that church. They need to be in good standing within that church.
Willing to be mentored. This is not a network for those who want the mantle without developing the character, those who want the title of Prophet without developing the relationship with God required.
Willing to record and track their prophetic words. With this their needs to be a willingness to own words that do not come to pass to understand why this was the case, and to face up to any hurt this might have caused.
It is important to note that Friends of God Network does not replace the role of the Church! It is also important to note that this also does not stop people going to and being blessed by Prophets and prophetic ministers such as Jennifer LeClare, John Burton, Jeremiah Johnson, Sean Bolz, James Goll, Cindy Jacobs, Sharon Stone, Kris Vallotton, Rick Joyner or others – it exists to help people apply the blessing brought by sitting at the feet of these people within the context of the United Kingdom.
The two main projects, under Friends of God Network are listed below. Others can be found on the project page.

Shmuel Company
Taking its name from the Jewish spelling of the name Samuel the Shmuel Company is a prophetic forum where people can develop a theology of the prophetic, discuss experiences, and have a safe space to practice as they move deeper into their anointing and ministry. Associated with this are a podcast and blog where issues around prophecy will be posted. The Shmuel Company forum is not for beginners. It is for those who have started to develop a prophetic ministry and who might be called to the office of Prophet. Various levels of prophetic training, covering the different revelatory gifts (word of knowledge, word of wisdom, discernment, and prophecy) and prophetic styles, are available from the Shmuel Company as conferences and workshops on request..
Mikayhu Company
taking its name from the Jewish spelling of the name of the prophet Micaiah this is a blog and podcast where people will be able to post prophetic words for the UK, Europe, and the rest of the world along with a secure social media group where people can discuss what they believe God is saying. The aim is to allow people to try out words when it might not be the right time to share them with the church they are part of, to ask for confirmation of what God might be saying to them, or to seek wisdom as to what might be the right/best way to share a word.